Friday, 30 May 2014

Revision Tips and Tricks!

Exam season is upon us and going by the numerous tweets I've read, everyone is very anxious about them. So I thought I would write a quick little post just about how I revise and any sites etc I like to use.

I write out how many days I need for each topic next to it on my CGP book, then organize it on a day by day plan for about 4 weeks before my exam. I also leave a few days before the exam to re go over things again that I'm unsure of.

Now these books are life savers. I mean it. I bring them (I have the Core and now Additional Science but you can get Biology/Chemistry/Physics specific) to every science lesson I have and it's so helpful just to look at even while the teacher is telling us it. I find it pretty hard to concentrate completely with 30 children in the same room to be honest. And they don't just have Science, they have all a ray of subjects, for different levels and they even have write in question books to go with the revision guides.

Read and Write
My main revision 'exercise' if you will is to simply read my CGP book and rewrite it. I find having to actually think about what I'm reading and rewrite in my own, shorter, words works so much better then just reading or definitions.

If in doubt, go on Bitesize. This BBC site has all the facts you'll need for every subject. I don't do all my revision a such from here as I find the text is quite small/crampt/a bit boring. However, if I need to find something out urgently I always go here.

I was first introduced to this by my science teacher and now our whole class uses it! As you probably guessed  it's basically a memory site with lots of definitions/meanings arranged in different questions. There are different courses ie. B2.2 Organisms and Energy. I believe you can also do languages on there, and they also have a weekly/monthly/all time leader board  which contains everyone you follow on it so that should get you more motivated!  

Past Papers
You can find quite a few past papers on the internet which I highly recommend printing and timing yourself complete the last couple of weeks before your exam. I would just say don't get ones that are too old as the curriculum changes year to year so some things you wont have covered. 

Good Luck if you have any exams soon and I hope you've used the half term wisely, 

Love Vic x

Everyone has their own revision styles, comment below what you use 


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